Cindy Hurst

Cindy HurstCindy Hurst is a native of Louisiana. She has nearly 20 years of social services experience, mostly working in underserved communities. It was there, where she discovered many social issues that needed to be addressed, particularly, in African-Americn communities. Therefore, in 2007, Hurst founded The Sankofa Project, a production/publishing agency that focuses on social/cultural movement and self-awareness. Hurst produced her first socially, cultural, work, Natural Woman, in 2009-a documentary that explores the psychological implications that occur when Black women decide to wear their hair naturally. It proved to be a ground-breaking film. Over the last several years, Hurst has been invited to travel across the country, and in Europe to facilitate discussions surrounding the content of her film. Hurst has also, conducted lectures on contemporary topics that include issues that relate to race and gender, and workshops with African-American children and teens to discuss embracing all the unique physical attributes associated with being a person of color. In 2010, Hurst published The Natural Mommy and Daughter Coloring Book, a companion piece to the film, Natural Woman. Hurst envisions A Ho-Ho Healthy Christmas as tool to help address Type 2 diabetes in a fun and informative way, particularly, as it relates to African-Americans. Hurst, currently resides in Little Rock, AR. Read More Read Less

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