Cindy A Yeilding

Cindy A YeildingCindy A. Yeilding served as a leader and technical expert at bp for more than 35 years, most recently as Senior Vice President of BP America, prior to her retirement in 2020. In this role she held numerous positions, including Chair of the coordinatig subcommittee of the U.S. National Petroleum Council's Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage study, bp's Executive Sponsor for Princeton University and as Board Member and Executive Committee member of the Greater Houston Partnership. Previous roles in bp include Vice President, Exploration and Appraisal- Gulf of Mexico; Vice President- Global Basin Analysis and Global R&D Manager. As an exploration and research scientist, Cindy has developed and led geological courses, published technical papers, participated on panels and delivered numerous technical, leadership and keynote presentations for technical societies, universities and leadership.

Ms. Yeilding currently serves as the Board Chair of the Offshore Technology Conference and serves as a Director on the boards of Denbury Inc. and the Center for Houston's Future. Ms. Yeilding has a Bachelors of Science degree in Geology from Southern Methodist University and a Masters of Science degree in Geology from the University of North Carolina. Additionally, Ms. Yeilding was a founding member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Women's Committee and conceived of and initiated the Women's Networking program (WISE) and the OTC High School Energy Challenge at the Offshore Technology Conference. Ms. Yeilding has been recognized as a leader and a scientist across the energy industry, including receiving the AAPG Pioneer Award and being recognized as one of Hart Energy's "25 Most Influential Women in Energy" and the Houston Business Journal's "Women of Influence." Read More Read Less

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