Chun Huh

Chun HuhDr. Chun Huh received his BS from Seoul National University and Ph.D. from University of Minnesota both in chemical engineering. Before joining the UT-Austin faculty in January 2004, Dr. Huh worked as an Engineering Advisor at ExxonMobil Upstream Resarch Company in Houston, Texas. He is one of the leading experts on surfactant- and polymer-based improved oil recovery (IOR) processes. "Chun Huh equation", which predicts ultralow interfacial tension from microemulsion solubilization, is widely used for the design of surfactant based IOR processes. He is also the formulator of the "Huh-Scriven paradox," which first demonstrated the singularity generation when fluid-dynamics solutions are attempted for spreading/wetting of fluids on solid. At UT-Austin, Dr. Huh has started research on use of nanoparticles for a wide variety of upstream oil industry applications, co-authoring more than 60 papers and one book on the subject. Dr. Huh received the SPE IOR Pioneer Award in 2012; and is a SPE Distinguished Member and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Read More Read Less

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