Christopher Zurcher

Christopher ZurcherChristopher Zurcher grew up in San Antonio, Texas, in a traditional Christian environment, but as he matured, he gradually cast aside what he thought to be childhood superstitions for a more rational and scientific interpretation of the world.As time went on, Christopher found that the more he embraced these hyper-rational philosophies of life, the more his life deteriorated. He began to sense that there was no point to life. As a result, he made it his mission to uncover any evidence to the contrary. Christopher's search eventually led him to the ideas of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, clinical psychologist and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. It was the conclusions he drew based on Dr. Peterson's ideas that ultimately led to the most profoundly positive changes in his life. Now, in his book, The World of Meaning, Christopher is attempting to share the ideas that have changed his life with the rest of the world. Read More Read Less

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World of Meaning29 % NR
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07 May 2024
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Supplement of the Faery Queene51 % NR
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01 Nov 2015
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