Christopher Kasparek

Christopher KasparekChristopher Kasparek, son of World War II Polish
Armed Forces veterans, was born in Scotland. He produced an initial draft
translation of Pharaoh while in secondary school. After pre-medical studies at Monterey
Peninsula Colleg, from 1965-66 he studied Polish literature at the University
of California, Berkeley with 1980 Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz, including
participation in Milosz's seminars translating Polish poetry.

In 1972-78 Kasparek studied medicine at Warsaw Medical
School, in Poland. During that time, he
translated papers and two books, A History of Six Ideas and On
, by the doyen of Polish philosophers, Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz.

After receiving his medical degree, Kasparek translated the
standard history of Polish breaking of German Enigma-machine ciphers (a
cryptological achievement which, a month before the outbreak of World War II, Poland
shared with France and Britain, enabling Britain to break Enigma ciphers at
Bletchley Park): Wladyslaw Kozaczuk, Enigma: How the German Machine Cipher Was
Broken, and How It Was Read by the Allies in World War Two
, edited and
translated by Christopher Kasparek, Frederick, Maryland, University
Publications of America, 1984.

Kasparek subsequently practiced psychiatry for 33 years in
California, where he resides.

He has also published translations of sections of several
other books; as well as articles and translations on a wide range of subjects
in publications including The Monterey Herald; The Daily Californian
(the U.C. Berkeley student newspaper); Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa
(Logology [or] Science of Science; Warsaw--a quarterly of the Polish Academy of
Sciences); Dialectics and Humanism: The Polish Philosophical Quarterly; Cryptologia;
The Polish Review; Psychiatric News; The Psychiatric Times;
Clinical Psychiatry News; and many articles and translations in the
online Wikipedia and Wikisource.
He resides in Carmel, California.

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