Christina Bachini

Christina BachiniGrowing up in Ireland, the daughter of a Psychoanalyst who was himself a member of the 'Monkstown Group' - the renowned psychanalytical community in Dublin led by 'Jonty' Jonathan Hanahan - it's perhaps unsurprising that Christina followed in her fater's footsteps. With a liberal parenting approach and a home regularly filled with the leading psychoanalysts of the time who were actively engaged in pushing the barriers of psychoanalysis, Christina will have unknowingly absorbed the importance of working with the mind and helping people live more fulfilling lives.Although not consciously aware of this early influence, Christina's career path led her to attend teacher-training college, where she became a group worker for young people who were non-school attendees. This role proved a turning point as she realised how fulfilling it was to help youngsters who were, and felt, disadvantaged in life to learn to be filled with choices and possibilities.Creativity became her go-to approach for helping them express themselves. Many were non-readers and not very articulate, so she introduced creativity, initially in the form of colouring-in books. She discovered that as they became absorbed in colouring an image, they started to talk and would answer her questions, and she witnessed a physical and mental change taking place in them. She recognised that they were digging deep into their inner world and gaining an understanding of themselves. In the decades that followed, Christina qualified in Humanistic Psychology and later went on to teach the course at Surrey University as well as teach counselling skills at Reading University. She became, amongst other things, an NLP Master Trainer and facilitated courses based on John Heron's work, including the 6 Category Intervention Analysis. By the mid-80s, Christina was working with organisations where she offered creativity as a way of developing trust in teams, building strategies for open, honest conversations and constructively challenging one another. Amongst other things, she also ran her own 'Creating from the Soul' retreats for personal development using art therapy, became a coach supervisor and today she continues to work as a supervisor and run her own private practice. Christina's professional career has been threaded with creativity that has benefited many hundreds of clients. She firmly believes that helping clients to create something outside of themselves, from their inner mind, in the form of a metaphor or symbol, means that the unconscious is free to do its work so that real change can take place. It is her broad and deep knowledge, experience and insight, that she shares with you in this book, that has made The ChrisLin Method what it is today. Read More Read Less

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