Christian Jacquenet

Christian JacquenetChristian JACQUENET graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Marseille, a French school of engineers. He joined Orange in 1989, and he's currently the Referent Expert of the "Networks of the Future" Orange Expert community. Until ecently, he was the Director of the Strategic Program Office for advanced IP networking within Orange Labs. He is also the head of Orange's IPv6 Program that aims at defining and driving the enforcement of the Group's IPv6 strategy. He conducts development activities in the areas of Software-Defined Networking (SDN), IP networking, automated service delivery procedures, including service function chaining techniques. He authored and co-authored several Internet standards in the areas of dynamic routing protocols and resource allocation techniques, as well as numerous papers and books in the areas of IP multicast, traffic engineering and automated IP service delivery techniques. He also holds several patents in the areas of advanced home and IP networking techniques. Read More Read Less

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