Christian Emond

Christian Emond""Christian Emond has lived in Canada his whole life and is fascinated not only by the variety of culture's present in the world, but also the endless possibilities of the infinite cosmos out of our reach. As an addict to philosophical quandaries, heis no stranger to being lost in thought. Christian received his bachelor of science at the University of Calgary studying cellular, molecular, and microbial biology, while rapidly gaining recognition in the synthetic biology community for his contributions to the international genetically engineered machine (iGEM) competition. He has a love for teaching, psychology, sociology, writing, research, and entrepreneurship, though he refuses to settle into a single discipline, he puts his heart and soul into everything he does. Christian has worked as a researcher, instructor, and laboratory technician, and continuously mentors, and is mentored by, those around him. If you want to continue to follow and support Christian's journey through the world of writing poetry you can follow him on Instagram: @molted_poet."" Read More Read Less

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