Chitra Mei

Chitra Meiறி ளி வி னி யி கிளை Uyirmie அடிக்கோடிட்ட உறவுகளி5;் பெயர்களை கட்டங்களிலிருந்து எடுத்து நிரப்பிக் பயிர்சி செய்க Dr. Mei Chitra holds a Ph.D. in computing, She is a pioneer in taking the importance of her native language, the Tamil to the present generation. As a result of her love for Tamil, she has published more than fifteen books in Tamil. Through the Children's Cultural Group and the Tamil Heritage Movement, she taught the Tamil language and its ancient history to Hong Kong Tamil children during her twenty-year residency in Hong Kong. She has been teaching children to easily speak Tamil with clarity, using theatrical performances. Moreover, her experience will have significant impact on the next generation of the Tamil diaspora. Read More Read Less

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30 Sep 2023
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