Chipamong Chowdhury

Chipamong ChowdhuryChipamong Chowdhury is a 2017-2018 Beyond the Bars Fellow at Columbia University's Center for Justice. He is a member of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) Global Core Team and co-coordinator of the HumanDHS World Gender Relations fr Equal Dignity (WGenderRED) project. He is a Theravada Buddhist monk, independent researcher, interpreter, and mobile teacher of relational mindfulness. He is a dharma teacher at the Chautauqua Institute in New York and spiritual leader at the Rainforest Foundation in the U.S. His research primarily focuses on Theravada/contemporary Buddhism-Buddhist Cinema, Buddhism and politics/nationalism, sacred biography, monastic migration, and Buddhist diaspora. His essays and reviews have appeared in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, the Journal of Contemporary Buddhism, Buddhist Studies Reviews, Studies in Religion, the Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, and the Fair Observer, among other publications. He was a visiting scholar at Tallinn University and University of Tartu Estonia. He holds two Master degrees in Religious/Buddhist studies and South Asian studies/anthropology from Naropa University and University of Toronto. Defining himself as a digital/global citizen he travels extensively in North America, Europe, and Asia, teaching active love and social meditation. Currently, he is working on a children's book, a Buddhist graphic novel. Read More Read Less

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01 May 2020
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