Chen ZeminZemin Chen was born in 1917 and began his active service to the Chinese Protestant churches a decade before the revolutionary events that resulted in the establishment of the People's Republic. He taught from 1979 to 2009 on the faculty of Nanjing Unon Theological Seminary, where he also served as academic dean and vice president. Chen is a gifted poet who has written many Chinese hymns. Richard J. Mouw earned his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Chicago, and he taught for seventeen years at Calvin College. Mouw then served as the president of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, for two decades. In 2013 he stepped down and became the professor of faith in public life at Fuller. He is the author of many essays and books, and has lectured and preached widely in China. Ruomin Liu was born in China in 1978. He studied theology in Nanjing, and then in Heidelberg, Germany. His doctoral dissertation on the ecclesiology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer was published in 2014. He has served as professor of systematic theology of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, and has been one of the heads of the Academy of Mission at Hamburg University since 2016. Liu has published widely on theological topics in Chinese and in German. Read More Read Less
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