Charlotte Muse

Charlotte MuseCharlotte Muse received both her MA and her MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University, where she has taught Creative Writng and Poetry Writing. She also taught for some years as Instructor in Poetry for UC Berkeley Extension, for th Life-lines Project for cancer patients and their caregivers, the Foothill Summer Youth College, the Stanford Upward Bound Program, and for many other organizations. Among her awards are: the Allen Ginsberg Award, the Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize, the Yeats Society of New York's Poetry Award, two Atlanta Review International Publication Awards, and awards in the Joy Harjo Poetry competition, the Foley Prize, and Ireland's Feile Filiochta, as well as the short list for England's 2013 Bridport Prize. Her work has been published in magazines and anthologies. She lives, writes, and teaches private workshops in Menlo Park, CA, where she likes to sit at the bottom of a nearby dry creek and stare off into space. Read More Read Less

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In Which I Forgive the River11 % NR
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01 May 2021
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The Entrance Place of Wonders: Poems of the Harlem Renaissance27 % NR
Publisher: ABRAMS
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