Charles R Berger

Charles R BergerCHARLES R. BERGER (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Davis. His research interests include message production processes and the processing of threat-relted messages by intuitive and rational systems. He is a former editor of Human Communication Research and co-editor (with Sandra Ball Rokeach) of Communication Research. He is currently a member of several editorial boards of communication journals. He is a Fellow and a Past President of the International Communication Association. Berger has published a three-digit integer's worth of articles and book chapters. Among the books he has published are Language and Social Knowledge: Uncertainty in Interpersonal Relations (with James J. Bradac); a volume which received both the NCA Golden Anniversary Book Award and the ICA Fellows Book Award. Social Cognition and Communication (with Michael E. Roloff) received a book award from NCA's Social Cognition Division. He also co-edited the first edition of the Handbook of Communication Science (with Steven H. Chaffee) and Communication and Social Influence Processes (with Michael Burgoon). His book Planning Strategic Interaction: Attaining Goals through Communicative Action received the NCA Interpersonal Communication Division's Gerald R. Miller Book Award. He is co-recipient (with Judee Burgoon) of NCA's Mark Knapp Award. He is currently an area editor for the International Encyclopedia of Communication. Read More Read Less

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Planning Strategic Interaction41 %
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The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication, 3 Volume Set30 % NR
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Communications and Social Influence Processes23 % NR
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