Charles Pretlow

Charles PretlowPastor Charles Pretlow came to know Christ in 1973, while in the Marines Corps and then in 1974 started his ministerial work. In June 1988, he began to counsel struggling Christians. As the counseling pastor in a 400-member Foursquare fellowship, witin six months of ministry, his calendar was booked three months in advance. These troubled Christians were seeking help for a variety of issues and by word of mouth many learned about the pastor Pretlow's Holy Spirit led counseling. Most who came suffered from being reared in a dysfunctional family system; however, some cases involved severe abuse, parental abandonment, and childhood systematic sexual abuse. These cases he termed as victims of Cult Family Systems. He also has worked with victims of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse (SRA Victims). Early on in his counseling ministry, the number of wounded Christians coming for help was nearly overwhelming. He realized that proper understanding of Scripture and being led by the Holy Spirit in facilitating God's healing power and grace was the only way to succeed. In his study of Scripture and dependence on the Holy Spirit, he soon discovered that employing the true gifts of the Holy Spirit in counseling and teaching those in his care how to work with the Holy Spirit as the ultimate counselor was the best way to help so many hurting Christians. Through the subsequent years, pastor Pretlow found that by embracing all that Christ taught and building disciples through mentoring and counseling proved to be effective in helping struggling Christian become stable servants of Christ-having their lives restored from addictions, destructive relationships, and cycles of depression and hopelessness. Pastor Charles Pretlow has over thirty-nine years of experience in ministry, pastoral counseling, leadership training, and ministerial recovery work. He completed his basic Bible classes at Seattle Pacific College and finished his undergraduate work at Central Washington University in Business Administration and Computer Science. This, along with his military training in leadership, as a military instructor, as well as years of coaching athletics adds to a well-rounded approach in leadership instruction, counseling, training, and mentoring those in recovery. Read More Read Less

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