Chard DeNiordChard deNiord is the Poet Laureate of Vermont and author of five books of poetry, most recently Interstate, The Double Truth, and Night Mowing. His book of essays and interviews with seven senior American poets (Galway Kinnell, Rth Stone, Lucille Clifton, Donald Hall, Robert Bly, Jack Gilbert, and Maxine Kumin) titled Sad Friends, Drowned Lovers, Stapled Songs, Conversations and Reflections on Twentieth Century American Poets was published by Marick Press in 2011. His poems and essays have appeared widely in such journals and anthologies as The Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry, the Kenyon Review, The New England Review, The American Poetry Review, The New Ohio Review, AGNI, The Harvard Review, The New York Times, Ploughshares, and Salmagundi. He is the co-founder and former program director of the New England College MFA Program in Poetry and a trustee of the Ruth Stone Trust. For the past 19 years he has taught English and Creative Writing at Providence College where he is Professor of English. He lives in Westminster West, Vt. with his wife, Liz. Read More Read Less