Chanel N Scott

Chanel N ScottCHANEL N. SCOTT is a prominent figure in the romantic relationalsphere who in 2015 created CheMinistry, a relationship platform.Today, CheMinistry is a television series on Fox Soul that consistsof conversations about romance and relationships moderaed byChanel. Each panel discussion features celebrities and influencers who share experiential knowledge and expertise pertainingto thematic conversations about romantic relationships. Notably, the "Queen of Relationship Talk," Chanel evokes transparent andcandid dialogue on relational topics specifically geared toward sustaining intimate relationships between a man and a woman.Chanel jump-starts the conversation by exploring the varyingnuances of 21st-century romantic relationships. By first peeling backthe layers of some of the more critical issues plaguing romantic rela-tionships in today's culture, the conversation creates a safety zone forpanelists to acknowledge their fears, insecurities, and pain to helpcreate a keener sense of awareness and a more objective perspective.Chanel strongly believes that acknowledging our fears, insecurities, and pain will help create a new sense of awareness and a more objective perspective as the conversation ensues.In order to appreciate CheMinistry, you must understand thewoman behind it, how she views the world, the struggles she'sfaced, and the enormous giants she fought through to get herselfand the brand (one and the same) to where it is today. In her reign150 Relationships Matter as the Queen of Relationship Talk, Chanel makes the stage a safe space and sounding board for panelists to communicate vulnerabilities while discussing intimate, complex relationship issues.You see, CheMinistry is not just another artistic and innovativeidea. It's a philosophy, state of mind, and collage of experiencesthat emerged from Chanel's life. It rivets the mind and the sens-es. CheMinistry is the embodiment of an interwoven process thattells Chanel's story and flows to its next relationship platform. Read More Read Less

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