Cesar Melendez

Cesar MelendezCesar Melendez was born in Panama and is Panama's first professional rock climber. During his fourteen years of competitive climbing, painting was always the perfect way to relax from the rigors of the sport. In 2017, he retired as a pro athlete, buthe continues to paint and is inspired by the places and adventures he lived while traveling around the world. He loves painting because it is a journey into memories and imagination. Cesar's instagram page: @cesaraugusto_melendez Webpage blog: augustomelendez.blogspot.com Read More Read Less

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Bella &Chantey7 % NR
Publisher: Jane's Books
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02 May 2022
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Modelado y simulacion: Ingenieria biomedica (CIENCIA Y TECNICA) (CIENCIA Y TECNICA) (Spanish Edition)
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