Cella, Paolo Della

Cella, Paolo Della

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Viaggio Da Tripoli Di Barberia Alle Frontiere Occidentali Dell' Egitto, Fatto Nel 1817, Dal D.Re P. Della-Cella, E Scritto in Lettere Al Sig. D. Viviani ...11 % NR
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Viaggio Da Tripoli Di Barberia Alle Frontiere Occidentali Dell' Egitto, Fatto Nel 1817, Dal D.Re P. Della-Cella, E Scritto in Lettere Al Sig. D. Viviani ...16 % NR
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Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary, to the Western Frontier of Egypt, in 1817: by the Bey of Tripoli; in Letters to Dr. Viviani of GenoaNR
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Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary to the Western Frontier of Egypt in 1817 by the Bay of Tripoli in Letters to Dr. Viviani of Genoa: ... Instructions for Navigating the Great SyrtisNR
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Narrative of an Expedition From Tripoli in Barbary, to the Western Frontier of Egypt, in 1817
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Voyage en Afrique au royaum e de Barcah, et dans la Cyrénaique à travers le désert
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Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary, to the Western Frontier of Egypt, in 1817, by the Bey of Tripoli: In Letters to Dr. Viviani of Genoa (Classic Reprint)NR
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Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary, to the Western Frontier of Egypt, in 1817, by the Bey of Tripoli: In Letters to Dr. Viviani of Genoa (Classic Reprint)NR
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