Celester And Cynthia Neeley

Celester And Cynthia NeeleyWhen Celester and Cynthia Neeley married over sixty years ago, they had no idea the Lord would call them to the foreign mission field. In 1970, they moved their three daughters from Chicago's South Side to Anderson, Indiana, and opened up a music busness that grew to four stores and a warehouse. Despite their success, they realized that wasn't where they belonged. Celester's goal was to become a millionaire, but he found himself stressed and confused. The Lord told him if he stayed on that path, he would die. God rebuilt their lives on faith, and they've lived by faith ever since.In 1984, they traveled to Brazil to represent their local church at Mission Volantes de Cristo near Rio de Janeiro. That grew into twelve years of ministry, living and working alongside their Brazilian brothers and sisters to evangelize the unevangelized areas of Brazil. From there, they have gone on to experience over forty years of ministry in South America, Europe, Africa, Israel, the US, and other parts of the world.They now live in Indianapolis, Indiana. They enjoy their family, which includes three grandchildren. Celester and Cynthia Neeley's history is one of faith and miracles. They continue to live by faith, and they're quick to say the Lord has never let them down. They can be contacted at celestercynthia@gmail.com. Read More Read Less

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