Cecilia M HeyesCecilia Heyes completed her doctoral research on social learning in animals in the Department of Psychology at University College London (UCL), under the supervision of Professor Henry Plotkin. As a Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth Fund of New Yor, she spent two years in the United States, studying evolutionary epistemology and philosophy of science at the University of Chicago, Lehigh University, and Tufts University. On her return to England, she was a Research Fellow of Trinity Hall, working in the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge. Since 1988, she has been on the faculty at UCL.In her research on social learning in rodents and social cognition in primates, Dr. Heyes seeks to combine the strengths of associative learning theory and evolutionary approaches to the study of cognition. In her own empirical work (e.g. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 45B, 81-92, 1992; Animal Learning and Behavior, 21, 221-225, 1993), and through her literature reviews (e.g. Animal Behaviour, 46, 177-188, 1993; 46, 999-1010, 1993; 47, 909-919, 1994; Biological Reviews, 69, 207-231) she promotes the use of learning theory's rigorous methodology to address the important questions posed by evolutionary psychology. She has co-edited with Bennett Galef Social Learning in Animals: The Roots of Culture for Academic Press (1996), and is currently preparing a book on imitation.Dr. Heyes is an Associate Editor of The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, a Consulting Editor of Animal Behaviour, a Fellow of the 21st Century Trust, and a member of the International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology. She has appeared in several television documentaries on animal thought. Read More Read Less