Cathy J HerringCathy J. Herring, MS, is a licensed professional counselor, a certified life coach, a certified professional hypnotist, an author, and a HeartCore leadership HCL9 graduate with over twenty years of experience in the emotional wellness business. She hlds a master's degree in behavioral science. Cathy's personal coaching expertise helps people transform their lives into joyful, happy, and successful ones. She has successfully worked with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. She is passionate about helping others improve their mindsets & lifestyles while assisting them discover positive solutions that work for them. Cathy has witnessed how simple yet effective tools, when implemented, changed her life and the lives of many people she worked with. She wrote this book to share those answers with you.Besides writing, Cathy runs an online business where she continues to help people navigate emotional gaps and transform them. She loves being outdoors, walking in nature or on a beach. She enjoys hanging out with her family and meeting up with friends. Read More Read Less
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