CATH THOMPSONCath Thompson has been a practising initiate of the English Qaballa since 1980 when she became the youngest member of the group led by James Lees, the magician who obtained the Order and Value of the English Alphabet encoded in the manuscript of Libe AL vel Legis in 1976. Lees appointed her as his literary executor, and since his death in 2015 Thompson has written four books about EQ published by Hadean Press, and contributed to the Hadean facsimile reprint of the first articles about the new Qaballa, written and published in The New Equinox/British Journal of Magick by Lees in 1980-82. Thompson published a private limited edition of the Book of the Law enumerated according to EQ in 1995. She has recently designed and published a limited edition of an English Qaballistic Tarot deck. Cath Thompson's occult work continues to explore and consolidate the system of the English Qaballa. Read More Read Less
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