Casey Erdmann

Casey ErdmannCasey Erdmann is a Ceremonial Magickian that has spent years practicing this craft. Through the years Casey became ordained, and began incorporating elements of the Thelema religion into his Ceremonial Magick practice. While diving deeper into his sprituality, Casey has simultaneously maintained an extremely active career in computer and information security for almost a decade. He has worn the hats of a software developer, a manager, a security analyst, and for the last 4 years, a hacker. Casey has a broad range of both philosophical and technical skills between these two passions, and uses them in tandem wherever possible.In addition to his career work, currently Casey continues to both teach and practice Ceremonial Magick, as well as offensive security to individuals, universities, and private organizations alike. On a more personal note, Casey is a musician with several active music projects, and is a podcast host for the Echo's Box podcast. He is the proud care taker of Echo and Luna, his two dogs, and enjoys a good glass of bourbon (good to know if you need to grab his attention). To learn more visit https: // and follow and @itsjonesmusic on Instagram. Read More Read Less

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Fundamental Magick20 % NR
Publisher: Casey Erdmann
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14 Oct 2022
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