Carrie NottleCarrie Nottle is a 27-year-old mum to two children, personal trainer, business owner, and best-selling author. Born in Perth, Western Australia, in 1997, she grew up on the land as a farmerís daughter. Carrieís life has not been smooth sailing and ha had many struggles, with mental illness, addiction, motherhood, single parenting, and recently major grief. Carrie and her children recently lost her childrenís father unexpectedly. Since his passing, she has published two childrenís books, this one and The Little Book of Gratitude, and her autobiography called You Can Be Free, which explains her life up until 2021. Carrieís goal is to be able to help and inspire others through not only her books, but her actions as well, and to show others that, no matter how hard life can be, you can always push through and do amazing things, especially for our children. Ultimately she has written her books because of her children, and she hopes that yours will enjoy them just as much as hers. Read More Read Less
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