Carolyn S McLendon

Carolyn S McLendonCAROLYN SCANLON NEWTON MCLENDON was a true Mississippian, a Southern lady who worked in varoius jobs throughout her working life. She was born and reared in Columbus and lived and worked in Jackson. After graduating from The W (Mississippi College fo Women), she taught second grade one year and was hired as a reporter by the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, for two years. She and her husband, Donald W. Newton Sr., established a advertising agency, and she wrote advertising for 14 years. After their divorce, she set up her own travel agency and conducted tours of Mississippi and, later, tours of Europe for 15 years, and wrote two travel books: Outdoor Mississippi by Carolyn Newton, 1974 and Meet Mississippi by Carolyn Newton and Patricia H. Coggin, 1976. For eight years, she was the general manager of Mississippi Symphony, arranging for concerts and handling finances and worked eight years for Mississippi Library. In her spare time, she was the editor of the monthly Mississippi Episcopalian newspaper. She had one daughter and two sons, and eight grandchildren. She died in Jackson in 2013. Read More Read Less

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