Carol SmaldinoCarol Smaldino is a practicing psychotherapist. She was a Huffington Post contributor from 2009 through 2017. A native New Yorker, she lives between Fort Collins, Colorado and Lucca, Italy. Carol values the translation of abstract concepts into usabl and practical possibilities. Whether working with families or individuals or groups, she focuses on helping her clients locate what is hurting, and more deeply understand what keeps them frightened of change. Her book, The Human Climate, is the result of an ongoing quest to understand why we as people, as groups, as a nation, and more, have been stuck in polarization and blame. She helps the reader recognize his/her own contribution to any given conflict with a greater degree of honesty and acceptance. Along the way, Carol shares her discoveries--often unwanted--of her own pertinent struggles. Carol Smaldino brings to the table an approach, whether in her therapy or in her speaking with groups, that is distinctly non-dry and non-formulaic. Carol's website is Read More Read Less
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