Carol MorterCarol Morter is a retired English and ELL teacher. She graduated from Virginia Tech was a BA in Political Science and English. She teaches English to adults at the Latino Community Association in Bend, Oregon. She wrote 'Spanish to Practical English'because existing books were not satisfactory. Her students helped write the book. What makes this book unique is that it is bilingual and has a free podcast for students to practice their pronunciation. From 1992- 2001 Carol Morter owned a community newspaper, The Far West End Press, in Richmond, VA. She sold it to the newspaper chain, Times Shamrock when she relocated to Texas.Morter has always focused on educating struggling learners. Upon moving to Texas, she returned to public school education. She is certified in English, ELL, Speech, and Reading. This unique skill set greatly benefited the English language learner. After retirement, she's taught English to Spanish and Vietnamese speakers. Additionally, she's tutored students to pass the Citizenship and the GED tests. In addition to LCA she volunteers for the ELL department at the community college. Morter owns Success Publications, a niche publishing house that focuses on ELL print media material, in particular English to Spanish or to Vietnamese. Her team consists of a graphic designer from Vietnam and a translator from Mexico. She contracts with a narrator (English only.) He produced the 'Spanish to Practical English' podcast. She can be reached at Read More Read Less
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