Carol Lynn McClintic

Carol Lynn McClinticCarol Lynn McClintic is an educational leader with diverse experience as a teacher at numerous levels, including preschool, elementary, middle, high, and university. She is a master teacher (over eighteen student teachers, plus BITSAand peer coach), a mentor teacher, and a model teacher. She has led and co-led many workshops for her district, taught numerous education extension classes for teachers at local universities--including co-creating a certificate program for conflict resolution--been a coordinator for university and district grant programs, and consulted with Caine Learning since 1995, participating in workshops throughout the United States. McClintic has co-authored the book Wouldn't It Be Wonderful: A Guide to Teaching in the Twenty-first Century and co-written an article with Geoffrey and Renate Nummela Caine. She has received several awards and retired from active teaching in 2002 after thirty-five years. Read More Read Less

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12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action14 % NR
Publisher: Corwin Publishers
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18 Aug 2015
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