Carol Linda Brown

Carol Linda BrownPastor Carol Brown is a woman of vision and virtue. She has lived in Albion, Michigan most of her life. She got saved at the age of twenty-one when she gave her heart to Jesus Christ. For over 28 years, she has been in church serving the Lord faithfuly. She is also a gifted Prophetess and operates in deliverance ministry. She is known as a prophetic intercessor. She has received training from many anointed ministers. She was ordained by Apostle Jean Smith. In 2010, Pastor Carol received a diploma when she graduated from the First Foundational Steps in God class. God woke Pastor Carol out of her sleep when He called her to ministry. He spoke to her and said, I want you to help the unlearned, poor and needy! A month later, God spoke to her again but this time in a dream. He gave her the name of her current church. This is how Build Them On The Rock Ministries was born. Carol is married to Victor Brown. They have five children and nine grandchildren who they love very much. Carol and her husband are pastor & co- pastor of Build Them On the Rock Training Center Ministries. They along with their son, were the first three members. Shortly thereafter, their daughter and granddaughter joined. The ministry continues to grow. Souls are being saved and lives are being changed through the ministry. Read More Read Less

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