Carol J Oas

Carol J OasThe author achieved the Associate of Science Nursing degree from Peninsula College School of Nursing where she also has served as an adjunct professor. The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Services Counseling she received from Western Washington Univrsity and was chosen Outstanding Student for that year. A Masters Degree in Nursing Science was awarded from the University of Washington in Seattle. She worked at Peninsula Behavioral Health as initial psychiatric intake evaluator, Olympic Memorial Hospital as Charge Nurse in the locked Behavioral Medicine Unit and at Psychiatric Associates clinic. The last 30 years have been spent in selective private practice. This book came about after years of researching and thinking about the burgeoning subject matter and finally, like throwing up or having a baby, it just couldn't be held back any longer. Hopefully the reader finds the necessity of studying the developmental years of apex killers and individuals with destructive narcissistic patterns enlightening and useful. When not traveling, Carol resides among friends and family near Seattle. Read More Read Less

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BUNDY . . . The Childhood of a Serial Killer16 % NR
Publisher: Wisdom House Books
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27 Oct 2023
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