Carol Iacona

Carol IaconaNew Jersey is my birthplace where I grew up until I married. After high school I took a one-year medical secretarial course which opened many doors for me in future years. Reading has always been a passion of mine, and I'm sure has influenced me in m writing. After I married my husband Tony, now a retired MSGT from the Air Force, we had many adventures traveling from base to base in both the United States and twice to southern Italy. We were blessed with two wonderful sons, David and Peter. Blessed again when Peter married LeeAnn, and we gained a daughter. While in Italy I took a variety of classes with the University of Maryland to improve my writingskills. While there I had a wonderful opportunity through my job with the Family Support Center to write for the base paper, appear on the base television station and the radio station. Several of my articles were even picked up by the worldwide Air Force wire service. Over the years I also wrote a variety of articles for a military newsletter from our church headquarters. Several poems I wrote were published in a few poetry anthologies. My medical background opened jobs for me wherever we were stationed, ultimately leading me into the Federal Civil Service system with both the Air Force and Army. I proudly retired about 14 years ago from Brooke Army Medical Center as a GS-5 Health Technician, Cardiology Clinic in San Antonio, Texas. Once I retired, I turned to interests I now had time for, such as genealogy research of our family, and more writing as I pursued my dream to someday write a novel. Of course, I now had lots more time to read!All our travels brought us to central Texas finally where we have planted roots, settled in and now call home. To date, I have four books on the market including my dream of a novel. Soon I will have my fifth book coming out. It seems children's books have become my passion resulting in three of them once this new one is ready. My dream now is my books will encourage parents and their children to read more. After all, reading can actually be fun as well as educational. Read More Read Less

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