Carmella Raiford

Carmella RaifordCarmella was proudly, born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA also deemed as "the Steel City", with more than 300 steel-related businesses and as the "City of Bridges". It's also home to some of the top national sports teams and a hub for the health care, ducation, and technology industries; but has called Charlotte, NC, her second home for over 10 years. At a young age, she found her passion for writing and expressing herself through words, creating poetry and constructing short stories that reflects her interests and most importantly, her inner most self. After having her son at the age of 30, she became devoted to creating content for children that promotes positivity, helps boost self-esteem, and encourages children to see themselves in a positive light. During the day, Carmella is a Retirement Specialist for some of the top Fortune 500 and Fortune 200 companies. She is also an educator and trainer in Retirement Planning and teaching Retirement Plan Fundamentals. In Carmella's spare time, she enjoys being active outdoors, traveling, dancing, volunteering at Women's and Children's shelters, and anything new & exciting with her son and family. Coming from a family that has been of service to their surrounding communities and families, she too, naturally is committed to extending love and uplifting her community in her own way - which is through words that affirm. Read More Read Less

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