Carlos Jacinto Da Silva

Carlos Jacinto Da SilvaDr. Carlos Jacinto da Silva received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics from the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Alagoas, Brazil, in 2000 and 2002, respectively, and the Ph. D degree from the Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidad de São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006. Since August 2006 he has been a professor of the Institute of Physics (IP) at UFAL. His current research interests include: materials for nanoscience and nanotechnology; fluorescence and thermal imaging; developments of materials and techniques for diagnosis and therapy; nanomaterials for nano-bio-photonics and smart lighting and green lighting; etc. He is the author or co-author of more than 120 referred papers; has presented more of 20 invited talks in conferences and universities/institutes; has advised at around 20 master-dissertations and doctorate-thesis and supervised more of 10 doctors. He is currently a Professor Associado III (penultimate level for full professor); since 2014 he is the director of IP-UFAL. Read More Read Less

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Modern Luminescence from Fundamental Concepts to Materials and Applications, Volume 2NR
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Modern Luminescence from Fundamental Concepts to Materials and Applications, Volume 117 % NR
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Modern Luminescence from Fundamental Concepts to Materials and Applications, Volume 32 % NR
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Modern Luminescence from Fundamental Concepts to Materials and Applications, Volume 42 % NR
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