Carla Masi Doria

Carla Masi DoriaCarla Masi Doria holds the established Chair of Roman Law at the Università di Napoli Federico II. Her scientific interests focus particularly on subaltern groups and statuses as well as public and criminal law in the Roman world. Prof. Masi Doria ha been Visiting Professor of both the Université Laval, Québec, Canada and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; 'Visitante Ilustre' of the Universidad Nacional di Tucumán, and 'Huésped de honor' of the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina. She is the author of 7 books and more than 170 shorter studies (published in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish) as well as the editor of more than 20 volumes. Her publications include Civitas operae obsequium (1993), Bona libertorum (1996), Spretum imperium (2000), Quaesitor urnam movet e altri studi sul diritto penale romano (2007), Modelli giuridici, prassi di scambio e medium linguistico (2012), Poteri, magistrature, processi nell'esperienza costituzionale romana (2015) and Poesia e diritto romano (2018). Read More Read Less

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