Carla Coles Carla dwells in the magical realm ofStratford, Ontario. She admits to being a littlein love with her community. She is an awardwinningmultidisciplinary artist, author, andentrepreneur.This is her !fth book of poetry. Her !rst book, much to Carla's suprise, was number one inCanadian poetry for a brief time. Carla is amember of Stratford's Art in the Park. She -along with her partner, Leigh - run the famed The Little PrinceCinema, recognised by Guinness World Records as the world'ssmallest cinema.Carla, by her own accounts, is not a believable character. She has anunnatural fondness for pudding and always carries a cake fork withher in case of just such emergencies. Queries on whether she wantsanother co"ee are always answered with an enthusiastic yes. Carlalikes to think she is hilarious ... Carla's friends have said they think it'sendearing that she !nds herself hilarious. Read More Read Less
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