Carina Pascotti

Carina PascottiCarina Pascotti decided at the age of 47 to change direction in her career and to spend all her time dedicated to doing what she loves, drawing.Her passion and creativity shows throughout all her work which is loved by clients and followers from all ver the world.With different techniques such as, ink, markers, digital art and sometimes a mix of all, she makes every single job unique.​Her success has grown from her active social media strategy where she has been featured by brands such as Valentino, Lanvin, Carolina Herrera, Aqua di Parma, Vogue Italia and Charlotte Olympia. Her social media has also been her biggest marketing tool for new work, that is where she have been able to connect with a wide array of clients. ​She works regularly with article illustration for magazines and she is also the author of two wonderful coloring books that are being sold internationally, as well as the children's books about the Golden Retriever Olzon Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Carina Pascotti
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20 Sep 2022
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