Candice Batista

Candice BatistaCandice Batista is the Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Eco Hub and boasts an extensive background in environmental work. She is an award-winning Environmental Journalist, as well as one of Canada's leading eco advocates. Her career spans naional and international media outlets, where she has used her background in media & communications to produce and report on various environmental and climate issues for digital audiences such as The Huffington Post, The Globe & Mail, The Weather Network, Rogers television, The Pet Network, iChannel, CityTV, Breakfast Television, and CTV's The Marilyn Denis Show and Your Morning.
Batista has hosted and produced 3 television shows on sustainable living and over 5,000 TV segments on the same topic. In 2011, Candice was nominated by the City of Toronto for their Green Toronto Awards in the category of Environmental Awareness. She's also one of few select Canadians hand-picked to be trained by former U.S. President Al Gore, to give the Inconvenient Truth Presentation. She currently resides in Toronto, Canada.

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