Calvin Kerr

Calvin KerrThroughout my military and civilian careers, I have had opportunities to work numerous diverse occupations and positions. Some of the jobs include: First Sergeant (Army), Drill Instructor, Army Instructor (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps), HighSchool Basketball Coach, Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH), Real Estate Consultant, Financial Advisor (Securities 6 and 63 certifications, Calvary Scout, Infantryman, Track Commander, Machine Gunner, Grenadier and Rifleman. Sometimes the aforementioned jobs entailed being placed in many unpleasant situations. The Demilitarized Zone in Korea and the jungles of Panama were two of those places. Although I had to overcome daring obstacles, I must admit that one of the biggest disappointments occurred when I was released by an Air force Colonel from my assignment as a RDH at the Pentagon. Although, I felt empty at the time without a job, it turned into a blessing. It allotted me time to finish this book, moreover, I was baptized. Anyway, I thank God for giving me the ability and skills to write this book and others. All stories written in this book are based on true events. The stories you are about to engage upon were witnessed by me (the author) or told to me by one of the main characters in the story. In most cases, names are changed as well as locations to protect he identity and right, of people who were actually involved. Read More Read Less

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