C G MatteiniC.G. Matteini has been unconditionally loved by his parents his entire life. He played sports, which taught him a lot. He became a psychology major in college, because he heard it was relatively easy. It was one of the best decisions of his life. At ome point he developed a sense for the ineffable. Not long after that, he was introduced to the writings of C.G. Jung and a layperson's book on quantum physics. These works shaped his worldview a great deal. The two best things to ever happen to him were the births of his two sons. He finds it mind-blowing that one day he crossed paths with the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his children, when the day before they had no knowledge of the other's existence. He is forever grateful to the musicians, writers, actors, and filmmakers who have inspired him over the years and continue to inspire him. Read More Read Less
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