Bruce H Jackson

Bruce H JacksonDr. Bruce H. Jackson is an executive consultant and president of institutions dedicated to helping future leaders develop their skills. Dr. Jackson graduated from the University of Minnesota with a MBA in Organizational Behavior & HR before woking at several non-profits, Fortune 500 companies, universities, and the US Senate. Discovering his ability to help entrepreneurs and executives, he became a consultant for those who sought advice for greater personal and professional leadership.He became the Executive Director of the C. Charles Jackson Foundation, as well as the Principal of the Attentional Leadership Insitution, in 2003, where he is still making an impact for future generations of leaders. Along with several trade and academic publications, he published his debut book, Finding Your Flow, in 2011. Dr. Jackson currently lives in Utah with his wife and their three children. Read More Read Less

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The 3 Secrets to Attentional Leadership22 % NR
Publisher: Mango Media Inc
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08 Oct 2024
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