Bruce Atchison

Bruce AtchisonBruce Atchison has overcome many obstacles and learned many life lessons in his seven-plus decades of life. As a child, he suffered from many illnesses as well as fighting to overcome ADHD. School was challenging, but he graduated from high school an proceeded to join the U.S. Air Force. After being honorably discharged at age 23, Bruce went on to college to complete a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in recreation administration. During this time, Bruce became a Seventh-day Adventist, and due to the expectation of having to work on the Sabbath, he lost his job and career. So God put him to work! He trained under Mark Finely and then worked for 28 years as a drug and alcohol prevention educator with the Listen Community Crusade Against Drugs, administered by the Review and Herald. From there, Bruce moved to West Virginia to be the director of development for Miracle Meadows School for three years and then finally retired at 67. Since retiring, he has begun an online book business and holds lectures on breaking bad habits and making positive life choices. Read More Read Less

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