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Bridget Supple

Bridget SuppleBridget Supple has spent the last twenty years supporting women through all stages of pregnancy, labour, and parenting. A mother of four herself, she works as an antenatal teacher for the NCT, the NHS, in particular a major UK Maternity Hospital and irth Companions a charity supporting pregnant women in prison. She is the founder of an information resource all about the Infant Microbiome ( and runs workshops on parenting, brain development and hypnobirthing. She has also contributed to and worked on the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education ( since its beginning.Bridget learnt her skills from some of the most influential traditional childbirth figures including Robin Lim (Bumi Sehat) for birth wisdom, Angelina Martinez Miranda (traditional midwifery), and Dr Rocio Alarcon from Ecuador (rebozo and Closing the Bones). She has attended workshops with some of the greats of childbirth such as Ina May Gaskin, Mary Cronk (breech workshop), Sheila Kitzinger (birth trauma workshop), Jean Sutton (optimal fetal positioning workshop), Andrea Robinson (Childbirth education), Gail Tully (Spinning babies).Bridget lives in Shropshire with her husband and four children. Read More Read Less

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Birthkeeper of Bethlehem27 % NR
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01 Dec 2022
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The Birthkeeper of Bethlehem
Publisher: Bridget Supple
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19 Nov 2021
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