Bridget R Scanlon

Bridget R ScanlonBridget Scanlon has a PhD from the University of Kentucky, and is presently Fisher Endowed Chair in Geological Sciences and a Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, the University of Texas at Austi. As a world-leading authority on water research, her career has been characterized by a commitment to data as well as innovative approaches that cut across disciplines. During her 40 years academic career, Bridget has published articles in numerous peer-reviewed journals, and has been involved with U.S. Department of Energy scientific endeavors, and has been a member of the NASA GRACE satellite Science team. In 2016, she was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest U.S. scientific professional honors and also the National Ground Water Association's M. King Hubbert Award. Bridget is widely considered as one of the foremost authorities on global groundwater resources and besides being an Associate Editor of several subject journals, she is the former Managing Editor of Journal of Hydrology. Read More Read Less

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Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment9 % NR
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09 Jan 2004
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Estimating Groundwater Recharge6 % NR
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01 Dec 2010
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