Brian CardenBrian Carden is a thirty-nine-year veteran of an ever-changing insurance and investment industry. He represents his clients through an exclusive alliance with Elite Insurance Solutions and with his affiliation with Stewardship Private Wealth Mnagement. Brian began his career in the industry in 1983, after responding to a flyer placed on his apartment door by a recruiter. Over time, his new job slowly but systematically morphed into an occupation, one which led him through many changes in the insurance and investment industry. He's seen the economy and the investment markets rise and fall and has guided clients through the good times of a bull market and the challenging times of a bear market. Where most of his peers focus on either insurance or investments, Brian's approach involving both domains differentiate him as a true, comprehensive advisor and planner. Today, Brian views his career as a calling to serve and views himself as a "professional explainer," particularly as it relates to separating fact from fiction surrounding all things insurance and investment planning. Brian has been published in the Nashville Business Journal, Denver Business Journal, Boston Business Journal, and on He also writes a regular blog for several thousand subscribers on "all things insurance and investment." Read More Read Less
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