Brenda JessupCore Expressions is 1st place award winning poet Brenda Jessup's second publication of poetry thus far. Her 1st prize winning poem Spring Forest won first place in the 1980's to be published in a book entitledMine. Brenda began her love of poetry at ge 14 living in Lakehurst ON, Canada growing up on Sandy Lake. English was her strong subject in high school, yet now at age 52 she has returned with Core Expression's after 30 year's devoted to her main goal in life...raising a loving family. In this collection of poetry Brenda wrote over the winter 2018 / 2019 season while exploring her core depth's and taking time to write each expression. Reflecting on all that has come to be, why, and how brought many expression's forward. Mainly it encouraged her to write again, believe in the gift she had often pondered expressing though her poetry . She has now found that courage here in Core Expressions. You will find Brendas collection of poetry ranges from core value's in humanity, to nature, strength, weakness, overcoming, growth, her battle with Epilepsy and much more. Through meditation and exploring what the core can contain, release, and let go it has led to a great deal of healing in her life. Finding our center can truly bring such balance and simplify our live's tremendously. Many of Brenda's poems can lead you to that place if you are someone who meditates or take's quiet time to reflect, release, and learn from our basic core values. Brenda now reside's in Lakefield ON, Canada near the Otonobee river where the flow and peace inspire copious opportunities to write her deep and meaningful poetry. Rhyme and verse are something Brenda enjoy's as you will read she loves the flow of thought, reason, and rhyme. Blessed with her relationship with nature always close by she captures first hand a quietude and center to create a balance intricate for poetry.....hence, Core Expressions. Enjoy! Read More Read Less
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