Bree StedmanFemale Head Talk Expert, Bree Stedman is passionate about helping women stop the negative self-talk that discourages and sabotages their life experience to gain more Emotional Control. For 14+ years, Bree has worked with women in a leadership, mentorng, transformation and educating role. She has seen the struggle that women experience when it comes to creating a life of their dreams - regardless of skills and experience, the common denominator that affects results is the way women speak to themselves. In 2012, Bree herself fell victim to her negative head talk, when the line between thought, emotion and action blurred, resulting in undesirable, out of control behaviour towards her young family. Hidden behind a professional 'I've got it together' smile, Bree hid this private world behind closed doors. After hitting rock bottom she realised that in order for her to be the mum and business woman she truly wanted to be, she had to Own her BS and all the excuses, stories and habits that no longer served her. She turned this journey into a brand to help other mums in business do the same. Her Own Your BS brand is a no-nonsense approach to inspire, educate and empower. You can learn more about Bree, her products and services at Read More Read Less
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