Brandon M Herbert

Brandon M HerbertBrandon M. Herbert is an author, graphic designer, musician, entrepreneur, and voracious biblioholic. He was born a fifth-generation Colorado native, but his heart also belongs to the Pacific Northwest. He wrote his first short story in fifth grade ad hasn't stopped since. He enjoys writing Urban Fantasy, both for Young Adults (Walking Wolf Road, Bearing Raven's Mark, The Wild) and Horror fans (The Revs, World of Shadows, Tales of the Underground). He is a passionate wolf supporter and has spent most of his life researching the history, mythology, and reality of werewolves, shapeshifters, and therianthropy. Brandon also plays guitar and does freelance graphic design when he's not kayaking or quaffing inhuman quantities of coffee. He bounces back and forth between Denver and Seattle with his wife, and welcomes contact at: @brandonmherbertTwitter/X: Read More Read Less

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