Boon L Lee

Boon L LeeBoon Lee is Associate Professor in economics at the Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Law, in Brisbane, Australia. His primary research interest focuses on eco-efficiency, efficiency and productivity analysis with a focus o key service industries, such as the airline industry and higher education. He is experienced in the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) in measuring efficiency of firms and has published several articles on efficiency and productivity of airlines, including in Elsevier's
Journal of Air Transport Management. He has widely published in international journals including Journal of Development Economics, Energy Economics, Tourism Management, OMEGA, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Agricultural Economics, Ecological Economics, Land Use Policy and Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. He is a certified facilitator of the LEGO(R) SERIOUS PLAY(R) method and materials. He is Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Associate
Fellow of the HEA (Indigenous).
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