Bonnie Kaye

Bonnie KayeBonnie Kaye is an internationally recognized relationship counselor/author in the field of straight-gay marriages. After the demise of her own marriage to a gay man, she earned her Master's Degree in counseling to help others in this situation. She hs provided relationship counseling and advice for over 35 years to more than 125,000 women who have sexually dysfunctional husbands due to homosexuality, bisexuality, or sexual addictions. She is considered an authority in this field by other professionals and the media. Kaye has published eight other books on straight/gay relationships, which have sold thousands of copies. Her website is Kaye's other books include: The Gay Husband Checklist for Women Who Wonder; Straight Wives, Shattered Lives (Volume 1); Straight Wives, Shattered Lives (Volume 2); Doomed Grooms: Gay Husbands of Straight Wives; ManReaders: A Woman's Guide to Dysfunctional Men; Bonnie Kaye's Straight Talk; How I Made My Husband Gay: Myths About Straight Wives; and Over the Cliff: Gay Husbands in Straight Marriages. Read More Read Less

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