Bobbie Laporte

Bobbie LaporteBobbie LaPorte is Founder and CEO of Bobbie LaPorte & Associates, an advisory and consulting firm providing leadership and organizationaldevelopment services to Fortune 500 companies, global organizations and promising start-ups.Before founding her bsiness, Ms. LaPorte served in CEO, COO and CMO roles in several Fortune 50 companies, including IBM, GE and United Healthcare. She also led two healthcare technology start-ups. She has an MBA from Harvard and a Master's degree in Positive Leadership andStrategy from IE in Madrid.Her current focus is on helping leaders navigate unprecedented instability. She blends real-world scenarios with science-based solutions that help leaders build the confidence and personal resilience to be ready for anything. In addition to her book, When the Curveballs Keep Coming: A Leadership Playbook for Uncertain Times, Bobbie offers this break-through framework in workshops and keynotes, enterprise-wide learning programs, and 1:1 executive coaching and advisory services.Bobbie is currently training for her seventh Ironman triathlon. Her two Golden Retrievers - Posey and Nilla - often accompany her on training outings in the San Francisco Bay Area. Read More Read Less

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When the Curve Balls Keep Coming25 % NR
Publisher: Casadeloro Press
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29 Oct 2021
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